Privacy Policy Page


Privacy policy

The privacy of our customers and site visitors are very important to us. We do not publish, sell or rent client details to third parties for their marketing purposes without any explicit consent. Read this privacy policy to know more about the ways in which your personal information is used and protected.

The privacy policies of this statement apply to our services available under the domain and sub-domains of PHYSIOMODALITIES (the "Site") and apply generally to our parent, affiliates, subsidiaries or joint venture websites. By accepting the Privacy Policy and User Agreement in registration, you agree to disclose your personal information.

Our policies describe the information regarding regular site operations; information we collect from you and what may happen to that information. The policies are incorporated into and subject to the terms of User Agreement. The policy is effective upon acceptance in registration for new or all registering users.


Our privacy policy is subject to change at any time without notice. To make sure you are aware of any changes, please review this page periodically. By visiting this website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree please do not use or access our Site.